Language Access Plan (LAP)


The Nevada Public Employees’ Deferred Compensation Program (NDC) is conducting a survey to receive public comment on the agency's Language Access Plan (LAP). You may review the draft plan by clicking on the PDF link below.

    Nevada’s Senate Bill 318 (2021) and the federal guidance on Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, both agree language should not be a barrier to accessing governmental programs and services. NDC is committed to compliance with SB 318 (2021), codified at NRS 232.0081, and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in ensuring meaningful access to State services and programs for individuals with limited English proficiency.

      The purpose of this Language Access Plan (LAP) is to establish a reasonable and effective plan and protocol for the Nevada Deferred Compensation personnel to follow when providing services to, or interacting with, individuals who have limited English proficiency.

        We will accept public comments until September 30, 2024. Public comment may be submitted by sending an email to Micah Salerno at

        When submitting your public comments please try to include the following:

        • Support your comments with substantive data, facts, and opinions. When possible provide your lived experience in your comment.
        • Clearly identify the section within the LAP that you are commenting on and include the section number.
        • Comments should be clear and concise, but there is no minimum or maximum length for an effective comment.

        Submit Public Comments

        To submit public comment, please email it to